2560 Foxfield Road, Suite 320, Saint Charles, IL 60174

We provide both telehealth and in-office sessions

TO REQUEST A NEW SESSION via Telehealth or in office, PLEASE CONTACT: 630-222-7375 EXTENSION O

OR EMAIL: cgreenwell@consideryourselfcounseling.com

OR Text: 224-254-0345 to reach Intake Coordinator, Courtney

Our mission is to help individuals improve their emotions, thoughts, and physical state to grow in a safe, positive direction while improving lifestyle and relationships. This is accomplished through working together with other family members and medical providers if necessary. We believe in customizing types of therapy and techniques according to individual unique life circumstances. Most importantly, we respect the belief that each person is empowered and has the ability to heal or find the way to happiness. Our role is to assist you in finding your "best" self. Thus, the saying "Consider Yourself!"